My time with SNPhA

 As a PY1  

I was honored to be elected as Temple SNPhA’s President-Elect during my first year in pharmacy school. From the moment I inquired about SNPhA at our Student Organization Virtual Open House, I was immediately captivated by the mission of this unique organization. Upon entering pharmacy school, I always believed my purpose was to educate others about bridging the gap between minority representation in the healthcare system and encouraging pharmacists to address mental health issues in our communities. Philadelphia is a city filled with opportunity and diversity, but it is also a city filled with many health disparities within minority communities, and also has one of the highest rates of drug abuse in the nation. SNPhA has served as a tool for my colleagues and I to make an impact in Philadelphia.  

PY2 and back on campus

I served as Temple SNPhA’s Chapter President during my second year of pharmacy school. The joy SNPhA has brought into my life this past school year is indescribable. Our goal, as described in the Region 1 & 2 conferences, was to reignite the flame of SNPhA at Temple University School of Pharmacy. My Temple SNPhAM and I worked tirelessly throughout the year to rebuild our chapter and increase membership. Our efforts paid off when we won the Region 1 Top Recruiter Award for gaining the most members within our region. Our chapter continuously held events such as vaccine clinics, alumni panels, meal preparations, blood pressure screenings, and other patient education focused events. We collaborated with other student pharmacy organizations to help increase student involvement at Temple School of Pharmacy, and we were able to participate in the APhA Heart Walk and PHILLY AIDS Walk. Our SNPhA team has fostered a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and integrity within our Temple Community through SNPhA Events. Our efforts display how we are making an impact together at Temple School of Pharmacy.

Opening new doors through SNPhA

My involvement in SNPhA has connected me with pharmacists who share the same passion of serving the underserved. Through SNPhA, I gained an internship opportunity where I continue fulfilling the mission of serving underserved communities. At this organization, we deliver behavioral health services, such as mental health, substance use, and addictions treatment programs, to those in need. This internship allows me to break the stigma and bring awareness and education about mental health and substance use disorder, which are conversations I desire to participate in. As a future pharmacist, diversity, equity, and inclusion education is vital for comprehensive patient care and I have luckily been a part of my school's strategic planning to emphasize the importance of DEI initiatives in our core curriculum.